Is theatre only for experienced actors?
NO! Everyone is welcome. No experience is necessary. There are all kinds of opportunities besides being on stage including: set design, costumes, make up, props, sound, lighting, building, painting, publicity, house management, etc.
Is there a theatre fee?
There is a $10 membership fee that goes towards production costs. This can be paid at the theatre parent company meetings or given to the costume volunteers during rehearsals.
How many shows does Hempfield Area Theatre perform?
There is a fall play, a spring musical and one-act performances through the school year.
What will be the time commitment for rehearsals?
All rehearsals for spring musical start at 3:30 and most go until 5:30. Two weeks prior to performances, rehearsals go later. Watch REMIND for weekly schedules.
Can a student Letter in theatre?
Yes! Students must be a member of the ITS with at least 20 points.